Recreation should be available for all the people of a community. Opportunities for a wide variety of leisure and recreation pursuits should abound regardless of age, sex, or condition in life. Expanded parks and recreation programs and facilities in our cities and towns across America will provide many benefits immediately - and in the years ahead. Consider the following benefits.
Enrichment of the quality of life - People need meaningful ways to make contact with each other. By providing pleasurable and constructive leisure opportunities for residents of all ages, backgrounds and socioeconomic classes, the quality of life in the community is enhanced.
Contribution to personal development - Recreation does far more than simply providing fun or pleasure for participants; it also makes important contributions to physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual growth and development.
Making communities more attractive places to live - By providing parks and open spaces, and by fostering positive environmental attitudes, the community can be a better place to live. We need neighborhood playgrounds, sitting areas, and "green space" for both passive and active uses of leisure.
Preventing antisocial uses of leisure - By providing challenging programs that offer people constructive and enjoyable recreation opportunities, we can help prevent destructive uses of leisure and reduce crime and juvenile delinquency.
Meeting needs of special populations - Through community-based programs of recreation activities aimed at serving the disabled, the needs of special populations like the mentally or physically handicapped may be met more adequately.
Maintaining economic health and community stability - It is estimated that for every hour spent in the involvement with recreation activities as a participant or as a spectator, dollars are also spent for food, gasoline, and other goods and services in the community. Thus money is "turned over" a number of times within the local economy because of parks and recreation programs.
Attracting new business and industry - Companies are most interested in locating in communities offering a wide variety of recreation activities, plus beautiful parks and attractive recreation facilities. Management desires employees and their families who are happy and healthy. If this goal is achieved, the company benefits in many ways.
Promoting health and safety - A significant value of a varied program of sports and other physical activities is promoting safety, wellness, and fitness. A wealth of recent studies have shown the value of systematic exercise in combating stress, cardiovascular disease, obesity and even various forms of cancer. Community sponsored recreation programs even reduce the rate of accidental injuries and death. Swimming lessons and other instructional programs supervised by qualified parks and recreation personnel help in this effort.
Cities need parks! Cities need recreation! Cities need expanded programs of activities and services for all: children, youth, young adults, middle adults, and senior adults. Citizens should strongly consider the possibilities of new or expanded parks, aquatic facilities, sports complexes, and community centers with areas for a wide variety of indoor activities.
Do yourself a favor. Remember your children and your grandchildren. Make an investment in the future of your community. Say YES to parks and recreation!