Leisure Lines

REFLECTIONS from a practitioner and educator who served 44 years in the field of recreation and leisure services

Thursday, January 02, 2014

Dangerous or Deadly Choices

LEISURE is free time, but it's also about freedom: that is, being free to make choices of what we do in our free time. Leisure offers us wide-ranging latitude in decision-making. But, we must realize that whatever we choose will indeed have consequences. This is especially true when we make wrong or bad choices, or we knowingly continue to make mistakes. Bad choices have a way of producing results that are bad - sometimes to the point of being dangerous or deadly.

Below are a few examples of dangerous or potentially deadly choices that can be made during leisure. There are others, of course.

* Driving While Intoxicated - Operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol is not only illegal, but is extremely dangerous and potentially deadly. Not only is the driver at high risk, but also any passengers in the same vehicle, as well as all other drivers and passengers on the same road. You've heard it before: "Friends don't let friends drive drunk."

* Texting While Driving - It is impossible to safely send or read text messages on a mobile phone while operating a motor vehicle. Yet, thousands of drivers put themselves, passengers, and all other vehicles on the same road in peril. This is a senseless habit that can cost thousands in damages or destruction, and loss of life. Again, "Friends should not let friends text while driving."

* Texting While Walking - This is something that should not be done, but for many people it has become a dangerous habit. If you must communicate with someone while walking, STOP. Find a bench, sit down, or - at the very least - stand out of the way of other walkers - or traffic. Then, send your message or make responses. Don't be the person who steps in front of a moving vehicle, falls off a curb, or who bumps into something or someone while trying to text.

* Being on the Phone (when it's a distraction) - Simply carrying on a conversation with someone on a mobile phone can be dangerous or deadly.  A tragedy can happen so easily and quickly because we take our attention off of something much more important - like driving. This is especially true for a person talking on a hand-held device. To a lesser degree, perhaps, talking on the phone while walking can also cause serious or fatal consequences.

* Swimming Alone - Even good swimmers should never swim alone. Someone else should always be there; yes, even in a pool. Anything can happen unexpectedly. This rule is just common sense, but many people make poor choices when it comes to water safety. Sadly, some don't live to tell the story of what happened.

None of us are immune from bad choices or mistakes. But, in our own best interest, we should be careful and use the best judgement possible when it comes to making decisions during leisure. Of course, the same is true about choices we make while at work, at school, or in other non-leisure situations. J. B. Phillips translated the words of the Apostle Paul found in Colossians 4:5 of the Holy Bible in this way: "Be wise in your behavior ... and make the best possible use of your time." It seems to me that these are good words - and sound advice - worth remembering.