Leisure Lines

REFLECTIONS from a practitioner and educator who served 44 years in the field of recreation and leisure services

Friday, June 01, 2018

Why Seek Leisure Activities?

THERE ARE MANY FORMS that leisure activities may take. And, these types of activities meet a wide range of individual needs and interests. Therefore, the questions might be asked, "Why do people seek leisure activities?" Or, "What causes people to want to participate in leisure activities?"

One could argue that there are many reasons that motivate individuals to enjoy their time of leisure, and to be involved in recreation. Let's examine a few below.

First, many folks want to recreate as a form of relaxation. They find that leisure activity becomes a release from pressures or tensions at home, school, or work.

Other people seek leisure activities in order to express their own creativity, or to put on display their hidden talents. For example, perhaps an artist would produce a beautiful painting.

Some individuals like to pursue excellence in forms of personal expression. For example, a person might be motivated to create a blog and write short articles for posting on a regular basis.

Still others might use leisure activities in order to safely release hostility and aggression. This is often true in the area of physical activities and sports, where competition can become a good exhaust pipe!

It's also possible for leisure to open the door for people to compete against others, or the environment, in the pursuit of high risk adventures. Sky diving or repelling off a high cliff are examples!

Thousands use the leisure setting for the opportunity to socialize with others and make new friends. Think of a Friday night dinner group that likes good food, good stories, and lots of laughter!

Many others want to be involved in community service. Leisure provides the possibilities. For example, to cooperate in a group project for honoring veterans, or helping the homeless.

Leisure can provide many opportunities for various roles of leadership in fraternal or other organizations. Civic clubs and churches, which always need volunteers, are examples.

Finally, people often seek leisure activities in order to stay in good health and be physically fit; to discover new leisure destinations through travel and tourism; to explore the expanding role of computer based entertainment or communication; to enjoy music, drama, dance, literature, and movies; and for self-discovery or personality enrichment through continuing education.

ALL OF US, no matter how busy we are, have some hours of leisure every week. Therefore, one last word: Use them wisely.

-- THIS POST completes 13 years and 248 articles on Leisure Lines. Thanks to all my readers through the years for your comments. They have been both encouraging and appreciated. In the future, postings will not necessarily be on a regular monthly schedule. But, if or when a new article is posted, I will take pleasure in believing that you will be taking a peek!  -- L. J.


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