Leisure Lines

REFLECTIONS from a practitioner and educator who served 44 years in the field of recreation and leisure services

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Life's Three Parts

LIFE is made up of three parts: existence - those things we do in order to stay alive (sleeping, eating, etc.); subsistence - those things we find necessary or have obligations to do (grooming, working, preparing for work, etc.); and leisure - the time we have which is left over after meeting existence and subsistence needs.

Looking back at the past week, every person alive had exactly the same amount of time to live. Each one of us, young or old, rich or poor, married or single, high school dropout or PhD, had exactly 168 hours to spend. Each individual spent some of those hours sleeping, grooming, eating, perhaps going to work or school, and doing all of the things determined to be necessary in order to live life. All of us will spend varying amounts of time engaged in existence and subsistence activities. However, all of us will also discover that after all of these needs are met, there is some time (in varying amounts) left over - and that is leisure!

Perhaps a good question for every individual would be, "How did you spend your time this past week?" More specifically, "How did you spend your free time - your leisure - this past week?" Hopefully most individuals filled their leisure hours with good, wholesome, constructive, or enriching experiences. However, we do understand that some individuals made bad choices and spent their free time involved in unwholesome and sometimes even dangerous activities.

How we live our lives does make a difference! Choices of good or bad activities are most often made with regard to the time which we have free from necessary duties, responsibilities, and obligations. Make the best choice. Use the extra time you find in your life - your leisure - in the very best manner possible!


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