Two-Wheel Exercise!
THIS PAST WINTER my favorite kind of exercise has been riding my bike -and it doesn't have a motor! The power comes only from my own body. The same thing has been true for the past several winters spent with my wife in Destin, a city located in the Panhandle of northwest Florida.
We have lived in the Crystal Beach area of the city. Generally speaking, the area spans twelve blocks of land from Matthew Street to Dolphin Street going west to east; and two long blocks from Luke Street to Scenic 98 going north to south. It includes the beach - and borders the Gulf - on its southern edge. This Crystal Beach area has many streets, sidewalks, and pathways. One major paved pathway runs near the ocean. All are great places for riding bikes.
Just to the west of the Crystal Beach area is Henderson Beach State Park, which includes numerous roads and trails suitable for bike riding. To the east, the main paved pathway continues along the coastline for approximately five miles. This route gives bikers spectacular views of the Gulf's emerald green waters, and lengthens opportunities for expanded exercise.
Let me be clear. Biking is not my only exercise during our four and a half months in the Sunshine State each winter. I enjoy walks with my wife in this same Crystal Beach area. The two of us also play golf. And, very often, we are "out and about" going places, doing things, exploring, seeing sights, getting with friends, and generally having a great time. And, most of these other things always involve exercise.
Further, it is true that during the spring, summer, and early fall while I am back home in Missouri , my most frequent kind of exercise changes. But, biking remains as one of my very good options.
There is just something special about winter rides on my bike. They all vary. Seldom do I know in advance where I am going. Generally, at the last moment I decide which way I want to go. Most often my routes are different from day to day. When my wife joins me on her bike, we together pick a direction to start, then let the lead rider choose where to make the turns in our journey. These occasions become biking adventures!
Some of my rides may be somewhat short in terms of time spent. Most are somewhat lengthy. At times I may be pumping hard on the pedals. At other times I may be coasting. Most times I am somewhere between those two extremes. I love to meander; to observe my surroundings; and to take-in the scenery along the way. Even stopping to talk with people, or to spend several minutes looking at the ocean is great fun. I have found that riding my bike is very enjoyable, is great exercise, and has become one of my favorite leisure activities.
Exercise is very good - and needed - by all of us. There are multiple ways to get it. Personally, I take advantage of several types of activity and forms of exercise. However, for me, exercise on two wheels is among the best of choices!