Leisure Lines

REFLECTIONS from a practitioner and educator who served 44 years in the field of recreation and leisure services

Friday, August 31, 2007

Mom Finds Time for Fun

IN THE MIDST of a very busy schedule, Melinda Burnett is on the lookout for those precious periods of leisure! Sometimes, she admits, it is extremely difficult to get away from all the things that have to be done. However, according to Melinda, "It is very important to take time out."

Melinda is a wife, mother, and working young adult with responsibilities far exceeding a 9 to 5 time frame. She has been married to husband Carl for four and a half years, and baby Kyle was born into the Burnett family last September. In addition to her duties at home, Melinda is the administrative assistant to the chief executive officer of a company which provides services in technology. And, on top of these obligations, Melinda is continuing to pursue her educational goals. She has already completed an associate of applied science degree in business and marketing; now she is working on a bachelor's degree in business and accounting. Student assignments and classes are never far from Melinda's mind.

Vast amounts of leisure - lots of free time in big chunks - is just not possible for Melinda at this stage of her life. However, she is determined to search for time nuggets: the leisure moments, minutes, or hours which can serve as a "break" from her regular routine and obligations.

Whenever possible, Melinda enjoys a "date night" at the movies with Carl. The Burnetts also love getting together with another couple to cook-out, play games, or watch a rented movie. Sundays usually provide time for the noon meal and a brief visit with relatives. On occasion, the Burnetts are able to get away to a theme park or similiar family activity.

Scrapbooking is a favorite activity for Melinda. It is an activity that she sometimes does alone, but at times does with a special friend. However, in either case, she says it must be planned in advance. When time permits, Melinda also enjoys getting together with a group of girlfriends to exchange recipes. Shopping is always an attractive leisure experience for Melinda - even if only for an hour. Hobby Lobby - and most any mall - are among Melinda's favorite shopping places!

With regard to her own personal leisure activities, Melinda loves to plant and care for flowers in her yard. She also enjoys reading - usually Christian romance novels. And, a daily activity of choice for Melinda is spending time with God.

Melinda Burnett has discovered the value of free time. "Leisure is rejuvenating to me," says Melinda. "In leisure, I am refreshed both mentally and physically." Yes, Melinda is a busy, working mom. But, she still finds time for fun!
-- Pictured above is Melinda Burnett and her son Kyle Ray Burnett.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

A Teenager's Leisure Choices

MOST TEENAGERS have several hours of free time every week. This is true for teens who have assigned chores around the house. This is true for those young people who seem to receive a large amount of class assignments as homework, or for those who must practice and perform as members of school teams or other groups. This is true even for teens who have part-time jobs after school, or on weekends. And, when school is not in session - especially in the summer months - hours of leisure often expand significantly. Making good use of unobligated time can be quite a challenge, but at least some teens are learning to make wise decisions with regard to their choices of "what to do" during leisure. Tyler Kemp is a good example!

Tyler will be a high school senior this fall. He lives with his parents, and a younger brother and sister, on the outskirts of a small city in southwest Missouri. He doesn't have difficulty filling free -time hours with wholesome and constructive activities. He has a variety of interests and finds numerous ways to have fun.

One of Tyler's passions is music - especially jazz! He plays the electric bass - a guitar-type instrument - and the stand-up acoustical bass. He is a member of his church's orchestra and praise band, and he enjoys getting with friends in musical jam sessions. Tyler and his musical friends have formed a couple of jazz groups. On occasion, invitations come for them to perform for some event. Listening to music - whether jazz, classical, or older classic rock - is another ideal leisure activity for Tyler. Although he enjoys music on his iPod, CDs, and tapes, Tyler has a special interest in old records and is continuing to build a collection.

With regard to other indoor leisure activities, Tyler enjoys live theatre - including school drama productions. And, he considers watching Broadway shows as a special leisure delight! He also loves watching movies, and often shares the fun with his brother or sister. Reading a good book is another free-time activity of choice for Tyler; he usually prefers the classics.

Favorite outdoor activities for Tyler include biking, hiking, and camping. "I also really like to just wander on paths or trails through the woods," Tyler said. "I consider a walk with my mom or my dad as a special occasion." In addition, according to Tyler, visiting big cities like New York and Chicago is awesome! And, roller coasters and other rides at theme parks have a special appeal to Tyler. At the top of his list is Universal Studios in Orlando.

Some of Tyler's free time is spent dating or getting together with a special friend. In these situations, whatever the activities might be, Tyler is prone to plan them in advance. The plans may include such things as eating-out at a restaurant, going to a play or a movie, taking a walk, shopping at a mall, browsing in used book stores, riding 4-wheelers, or playing board games.

Tyler is dreaming big for the future! He is planning for undergraduate and graduate degrees in music theory and composition. He wants to complete a doctorate and desires to teach at the university level. While pursuing his educational goals, Tyler hopes to be a member of a pit orchestra or a jazz band.

Tyler Kemp is a young man who has enjoyed his teen years. Like any other teenager, he has had his share of assigned duties and obligations. But, he has also found pleasure in leisure activities involving parents, siblings, grandparents and other extended family, church, school, and friends. Beyond that, he has discovered how to be content even when he is alone. Tyler Kemp is a teenager who has made good leisure choices.
-- Tyler Kemp, pictured above, likes to explore the hills, valleys, and woods on his family's property.