Leisure Lines

REFLECTIONS from a practitioner and educator who served 44 years in the field of recreation and leisure services

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Flying South for the Winter

MANY OF US who are retired, and who live in colder winter climates, are looking for ways to avoid shoveling snow, slipping on ice, or feeling the harsh wind which can chill to the bone. One answer to this kind of situation is becoming a "snowbird" and flying south for the winter!

Several years ago I experienced my first up-close look into the world of snowbirds. My own parents packed-up and headed to southern Arizona for a month. The following year their stay was extended to three months. The next seven years they wintered in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas from mid-October until early April. During this period, my wife and I visited them on many occasions in their warm and sunny winter locations. The impact of those winters in the south upon my parents was truly remarkable. It was then that my wife and I decided that, when possible, we too would give the snowbird lifestyle a try.

Retirement did arrive for us, and my wife and I have joined the flock of snowbirds flying south! From the first of November through mid-March we nest along the Emerald Coast of northwest Florida. And, we can recommend the experience! The sunny skies, warm sea breezes, roll of the Gulf's waters, white sand beaches, and the view of the palm trees along the coastline all seem to be excellent alternatives to winters in the Midwest.

During our extended stay at our winter home, we have found that leisure activities abound! However, we can be as busy - or as non-busy - as we desire. It seems to be the best of both worlds. For us, the cost of rental housing for the winter is about the same as the cost for a one-week cruise.

New friends, new places to visit, new sights to see, new adventures to experience, new activities to enjoy; all of these things - and even more - are possible for snowbirds! As you ponder your own life situation, your retirement plans, and your leisure choices, you may want to give serious consideration to the idea of flying south for the winter. Most of us who have tried it have made the journey more than once!


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