Leisure Lines

REFLECTIONS from a practitioner and educator who served 44 years in the field of recreation and leisure services

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Truckin' for Pleasure

MOST PEOPLE who drive trucks aren't doing it for fun. This is especially true for those who drive the big rigs. For those guys and gals in the driver's seat of an 18-wheeler, it's about getting their load delivered to the right place at the right time. For semi drivers, it's about work - hard work. It's about long hauls, time-pressure schedules, quick meals, loneliness, and uncomfortable beds. It's not an easy life for this over-the-road bunch. Many are spending much of their lives on interstate highways.

Even for those who sit behind the wheel of those smaller trucks delivering packages, concrete, ice cream, or garbage, trucking is a job - a necessary duty to earn a paycheck in order to put food on the table and to make the house payment.

But, the driving of trucks is not necessarily drudgery for everyone. Not all drivers consider it a pain to steer a truck. It is truly quite possible to experience truckin' for pleasure!

Consider those who drive a pickup! Of course, some pickup truck drivers are in a business where the use of this type of vehicle is extremely useful and needed. In addition, there are others who aren't in business, but still find practical uses to haul things. However, a growing number of folks are having a whole lot of fun just running around in a pickup.

A few of the indicators that a driver of a pickup is having a good time are these: a smile, a wave, and a friendly "howdy." Further, these happy drivers are often seen wearing a ball cap. And, their trucks often include some bells and whistles - maybe even heated seats, XM radio, or a gun rack. To many pickup drivers, the age of their truck is not all that significant as long as it still runs!

Pickups are used for going all kinds of places, including those old-fashioned Sunday afternoon rides on the back roads of the countryside. Today, even Miss Daisy would enjoy a ride in a pickup. A pickup is the vehicle of choice for many people who live in rural areas, but it is just a popular - or perhaps more so - for city slickers. From little kids to teenagers, to adults, to retirees - folks of all ages love a pickup!

Need a new vehicle? Take a look at a pickup. If you already have one, the next time you find 30 minutes or more of leisure, take a ride just for fun. You just may uncover a new free time activity that you will want to repeat over and over: joy rides in a pickup truck!


  • At 11:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hehehehe,,,, guess what Judy and i are now the proud owners of a 5th wheel camper awaiting the sell of our home so that we can purchace that truck to get it around
    John in iowa


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