Leisure Lines

REFLECTIONS from a practitioner and educator who served 44 years in the field of recreation and leisure services

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Social Occasions Bring Delight

GETTING TOGETHER for a time of fun with family, friends, colleagues, or other members of an organization, is - most often - a special delight! Social activities provide individuals an ideal opportunity for one or more of the following to take place: relaxation, visiting, relishing snacks or a meal, playing games, listening to a speaker, enjoying an entertainer, celebrating a special occasion, or honoring someone.

What is described above is social recreation. Basically, this particular type of recreation has to do with the mixing and mingling of people. Perhaps, more simply, social recreation is "people with people in a social setting." As people get together to enjoy the companionship of others, there are numerous opportunities for individuals to be exposed to a caring attitude; to be offered approval, recognition, and support; to be given acceptance; and to be surrounded by an atmosphere that encourages the development of a sense of belonging. During social occasions, an individual may gain the satisfaction that centers around discovery, achievement, and contribution.

The many various types of social recreation include parties, banquets, fellowships, picnics, teas, receptions, pot-luck suppers, anniversary celebrations, and other similar occasions which bring people together to rub shoulders with each other and to have a pleasurable experience.

Joy and happiness are essential to abundant living. Social recreation is a means to that end. It can bring about a wholesome release of tension. It contributes to a feeling of oneness within a group. Oftentimes, it is the formula which builds fellowship, brotherhood, companionship, and friendliness among people.

There are many facets to human personality, many areas that need development, and many hungers that need to be satisfied. The events and activities included in social recreation can help meet these needs. Social occasions produce smiles, laughter, an at-ease feeling, and can bring a special delight to everyone who takes part.

Let's have a party!


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