Pickleball: Fun and Great Exercise
PICKLEBALL, a game which was invented 50 years ago, is still around today and providing loads of fun and great exercise to thousands of people young and old.

It was then that the three adult golfers decided to take action. They started searching for some play equipment and located an old Whiffle ball. Then, they set-up the badminton net - but lowered it to the ground. Next, they started creating some solid wooden paddles out of small pieces of plywood discovered in the family's shed. The paddles were made slightly larger than those used for ping pong. Finally, they marked off some boundary-lines in the back yard and made-up some simple rules. Before long the kids were having a blast, and the adults were enjoying the action as well. By the end of the day "Pickleball" was born!

Actually, Pickleball is a cross between badminton, tennis, and table tennis. Below are some specifics about the game.
-- The court for singles and doubles is the size of a doubles badminton court, 20'x44'.
-- The net's height is 36" on ends; 34" in middle.
-- The back court is divided in half - not the front court.
-- The front court ("Kitchen") is 7' from the net on both sides and is a No Volley Zone.
-- The ball is served with an underhand strike below the waist (and from behind baseline) diagonally to the opponents service zone.
-- Points are scored by the serving side only when opponent faults: that is, fails to return ball; hits out-of-bounds; or, steps into the No Volley Zone.
-- Players may play a ball that bounces in No Volley Zone, but must exit NV Zone before playing a volley.
-- A serve may be played only after the ball has bounced in the correct service zone. Also, on a return of service, the ball must be played only after a bounce; it cannot be volleyed.
-- In singles, each side gets only 1 fault before a side out and the opponent then serves. In doubles, after the first serve to start the game, each side gets 2 faults (one for each team member) before a side is out and the opponents serve.
-- Games are won by scoring 11 points (by at least 2 points) over opponent. In tournament play or championships, games are 15 or 20 points (by at least 2).

Pickleball has been offered in physical education, recreation, or activity programs in schools, municipal parks and recreation departments, community centers, retirement centers, churches, camps, YMCAs, and various other organizations and enterprises. For personal use and for playing at home, equipment for Pickleball is available through some sporting goods stores, such as Sports Authority and Dick's, and from Amazon plus other online sources.

Is it time for you to try your hand at Pickleball? It might be the remedy for a boring day!
At 3:33 PM,
Unknown said…
Breckenridge Condo Association started playing Pickleball this past winter. It went over very well.
At 10:09 PM,
The Longs said…
a lot of the RVing community are into Pickleball also..there is an annual tournament in Iowa City, Ia as well.
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