A Significant Christmas

* Helping serve a meal to the homeless
* Donate to food banks* Participant in church projects for the poor
* Carry a couple of extra 50s for helping others in need
* Help serve Christmas dinner at Intervention Ministries^ and assist in their program
* Get involved in Christmas programs at nursing homes
* Focus on ministry opportunities at assisted living complexes
* Taking our dog Luci (with permission) for assisted living residents to enjoy
* Donate to the "Smile Train"^ for cleft surgeries to children all over the world
* Be more open and more observant to the needs of others
* Let Christ love others through me
* Lifting up in prayer the hopes and needs of others
* Being there when needed
* Serving in whatever manner God calls me to serve
* Allow the gift of God in Christmas to work through me for others
* Providing helpfulness and assistance to others
* Help collect food items for feeding the hungry
* Taking sacks of groceries to families in need
* Giving away Bibles or New Testaments
* Sharing a Christian witness and words of encouragement
* Carrying-in a meal for a family to enjoy
* Opening my home to college students for a meal
* Buying gifts for a family in need
* Paying for a family's meal in a restaurant
* Wrapping gifts for donations to be given to local charities
* Assembling gift bags for nursing home residents

^The Web address for the "Smile Train" is http://www.smiletrain.org/. Intervention Ministries is found at http://www.interventionministries.com/. The bottom photo shows volunteers working at Called to Care: http://www.calledtocareinc.org/
At 8:27 AM,
Mercy Buckets said…
We are going home early for Christmas to cold Michigan. Why? Because our grandchildren have early Christmas programs and we don't want to disappoint those little kids! What's another week in paradise compared to a little kid's smile and hug?!
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