Leisure Lines

REFLECTIONS from a practitioner and educator who served 44 years in the field of recreation and leisure services

Monday, August 01, 2011

Gatherings of the Sisterhood

LADIES AND TEA ROOMS; girlfriends doing lunch; women convening for a party: all of these scenarios quite correctly describe the gatherings of the sisterhood!  And, there are other scenarios of course. In any case, most women just like being with other women - especially if they are friends. The solidarity of females based on shared conditions, experiences, or concerns seems to be as strong as ever.

My wife is a prime example. She loves to get together with her lady friends, and she does so on a fairly regular basis. In our own southwest Missouri community, these gals will make arrangements with each other for a luncheon at the drop of a hat. When one of them gets an idea she will call the others, and "bingo," a date for another "girls day out" is on the calendar! The same thing is true during the winter months when we are in the Panhandle of northwest Florida.

Some may wonder what these women do during their time together. Well, they laugh, they talk, and they share stories! They drink tea, or coffee, or water, or whatever. They usually enjoy a light meal - but it may include a rich desert! Occasionally they may be in someones home. But, most often they seek out new spots where they have not yet been. This may include traveling to other nearby towns or cities. In these cases, the journey becomes an integral part of whole experience. And, anytime shopping is included, the atmosphere of the gathering is kicked-up several notches!

Depending on the particular place where these "sisters" decide to gather, there may be some additional things to do for enjoyment. For example, some tea houses provide opportunities for the gals to play "dress-up!" Whether it's "high tea," "low tea," or just lunch; there are hats, shawls, or other accessory items which can be worn to enhance and enliven conversation.

Generally speaking, there are several women in a group of "sisters." On any given occasion, the entire group may plan a gathering. Or, there may be 2, 4, 5, 8, or any number who decide to do something together.

Simply put, women enjoy the company of each other. They want to have fun. They enjoy a good time. Gatherings of the sisterhood make all of that possible. And, it just may be, that some women would rank these gatherings among their favorite leisure activities!
--"Sisters" in Missouri (top photo) and in Florida (middle photo) gather for an outing. The Glass Slipper Tea Cottage in Ft. Walton Beach, Florida is shown in the bottom photo.


  • At 3:55 PM, Anonymous Sherry young said…

    I think I recognize some of these lovely ladies in these pictures. We had such a fun day there. Sometimes I find a smile across my face and warm feelings inside when I think of the fun times we've had with you guys.
    Thanks for sharing these great articles with us!
    Love you guys,

  • At 5:47 PM, Blogger Mercy Buckets said…

    We sure do have fun together! Can't wait to see you all again!
    Love from Michigan,

  • At 11:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Great article Larry. My three blood sisters are getting together for a week in early September for a "sisters" trip to Pigeon Forge, TN. Two of my sisters are also in fulltime ministry. Counting down the days.

    Cathy Tisher


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