Leisure Lines

REFLECTIONS from a practitioner and educator who served 44 years in the field of recreation and leisure services

Saturday, July 01, 2017

The View Out Your Windows

WINDOWS are an important feature of most any structure. A home, a business, an office building, a school, a hospital, a church; with all of these - and most other structures - windows are usually necessary and valued. Blueprints, and even simple plans, highlight several details about windows. Included in these details are the number of windows in the structure, their location, their shape, their size, type of glass, and other things.

However, most of us aren't regularly concerned about having windows installed, but we sure have many opportunities to look out of several windows every day.

So, what's the view out your windows? Oh, not so much in a literal sense, such as, "Do you see grass, or trees, or flowers, or clouds, or sky?" But rather, the question might be, "What do you ponder; what do you think about as you gaze out your windows?"

Maybe you've heard the story about two people who look out their bedroom window soon after arising. One says, "Good Lord, it's morning." The other one says, "Good morning, Lord." Really, it's all about perspective.

Consider that life is made up of three parts: (1) existence (breathing, sleeping, eating, drinking); (2) subsistence (duties, responsibilities, work, education for work); and (3) leisure (free time, time left over after fulfilling all of life's obligations. May I suggest that we often think about our lives in one or more of these categories as we find ourselves looking out our windows.

Perhaps most of us might think about what we need to do that day. Buy groceries, take clothes to the cleaners, talk to a supervisor about a work project, complete a class assignment; these kinds of things all come to mind.

On the other hand, many of us might think about some hours of spare time that day. Then, our minds might race to things like playing golf, or visiting a friend in the hospital, or going to a movie, or taking a bike ride, or any number of other activities.

Some others might wonder why they did not sleep well last night, or what they might like to have for dinner that evening.

So therefore, whatever your own circumstances, enjoy looking out your windows!  It may be amazing what you might see in your "mind's eye."


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