The Fun of Jam Sessions
A JAM SESSION can be defined as "a gathering or performance in which musicians play together informally without any preparation;" or, "a session in which musicians jam with each other, just for the fun of it." Further, it is an impromptu performance by a group of musicians that is characterized by improvisation. In any jam session two key words stand out: music and fun!
The idea of jammin' has been around for many decades. Of course, the musicians themselves who gather in a jam session have a great time playing their instruments and perhaps even singing some songs! But in addition, anyone else nearby - any audience who hears the music - can have a fun leisure experience as well.
My first recollection of jam sessions goes back to my growing-up years. During that time, one of my best friends and I would get together and have a good time playing our horns. It wasn't the best music in the world, but we sure had a lot of fun jamming and improving our skills on the cornet and the trombone. And, when our parents listened from another room, they probably were smiling and tapping a toe!
Many years later our family loved to jam around the piano. My wife would be on the keyboard while all three of us would be singing various songs and attempting to harmonize. On occasion our son would pull out his trombone, and a few times I warmed-up the old cornet. Our theme song, the one we did every session, was "Mexicali Rose." It was probably good that we didn't have an audience, but what great fun it was!
Fast-forwarding to the present, I have found the pure enjoyment of listening to others who are jamming. Hearing some good music; feeling the rhythm; and watching the facial expressions and movements of the jammers are delightful aspects. The spontaneity of the musicians is both refreshing and amusing! An added plus is that people in the audience can feel free to come and go from a jam session at their own convenience.

Many people who love music and play an instrument have discovered the joy in getting with others like themselves in jam sessions. And, while it's not the same as going to a formal concert, more people are finding the fun of jam sessions as an audience member. In both situations, it certainly has been a lot of enjoyment for me!
At 8:10 PM,
lstehr59 said…
Enjoyed the article. One of the things I am looking to exploring is the live music venues in Austin. Looking for a good jazz joint.
Enjoy the Florida sun.
In Christ,
At 7:04 AM,
Unknown said…
thanks for reminding us of these jam sessions....sounds like so much fun! (pardon my pun) much to do, so little time to relax unless we choose more wisely....
At 7:06 AM,
Unknown said…
Tom didn't say the above, I did!..:)Mercy Buckets!
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